Emergency Management

We prepare businesses for those critical first moments when the unthinkable happens.

Emergency Management

Our Approach

We initially assess the threats a client faces and looking at their current response in the form of emergency plans, equipment, team structures and communication.

Our in-depth analysis is often an organisation-wide activity that involves staff at all levels gaining a clear understanding of the operating environment.

We make recommendations on how to develop emergency capabilities, from reviewing team structures and writing new plans through to delivering training at strategic, operational and tactical levels.

Our clients know that, should disaster strike, they have robust plans and expertly trained people in place to respond effectively.

Additional Services include:
  • Hypothetical and Desktop Exercises
  • Mock Exercises

Desktop Exercises

Our hypothetical and desktop and are a precursor to any major exercise. At Complete Crisis Solutions our desktop and hypothetical activities are designed to test the functionality of plans and procedures.

All desktop and hypothetical exercises are facilitated by our team of experienced professionals who have decades of real experience in crisis and emergency management.

Our desktop and hypothetical exercises usually run for up to 4 hours and can be multi-level to include sites and projects, corporate teams and stakeholders.

Our services include:

  • Facilitation and development of operational or strategic desktop or hypothetical exercises
  • Multi-level to include sites and projects, corporate teams and stakeholders
  • Emergency Operations Centre or Crisis Management Centre establishment and testing
  • Security Risk and Counter Terrorism (CT) scenarios.

Major Exercises

The idea of running a major emergency, crisis or security exercise is daunting to most to say the least. At Complete Crisis Solutions our team of professionals have facilitated hundreds of major or mock exercises at mine sites, major projects and facilities including critical infrastructure and essential services (energy, water and transport).

Our exercise team helps you develop a simulation activity that befits your organisation considering regulatory or statutory requirements. We can introduce media, role players and emergency services to meet your requirements.

We can incorporate social media and have access to software and communication tools that enhance realism. All exercises include higher and lower control, observers and assessors, and can run for a minimum of four hours up to a maximum of five days, dependent on your requirements.

Our full suite of services include:

  • Exercise scenario and scope development
  • Development of scrips and run sheets
  • Management of role player and actors including moulage of victims
  • Exercise control team, observers and assessors
  • Incorporate media and camera crew/s, social media and reporters
  • Liaising with key stakeholders including emergency services, regulators and law enforcement (State and federal)
  • Establishing the hot zone’s, risk assessments and exclusion zones
  • Writing of reports including key findings and recommendations.

Infrastructure and Projects

Complete Crisis Solutions’ team of crisis and emergency management professionals have helped many organisations develop their project emergency response plans.  Our team has truly global experience working on major civil infrastructure projects across Australia, New Zealand, India, South America, Indonesia and Africa.

At Complete Crisis Solutions we have the experience and knowledge to guide you through major crises such as sabotage, protests and community backlash.  We have extensive experience in managing on-site fatalities and the needs of workers and family members during time’s of distress.

Our wealth of experience includes major tunnels, road networks, mine infrastructure, hospitals, large precincts, water and power infrastructure, gas fields, maritime, ports and airports.

Our core solutions include:
  • Development of integrated emergency, crisis and security management plans
  • Development of operating procedures to support policy and operational capability
  • Conduct security, risk and vulnerability assessments
  • Incident Management Team and Emergency Operation Centre training
  • Strategic and operational desktop and hypothetical exercises and simulations
  • Full scale emergency and field exercises

Education and Precincts

Universities, schools and precincts are ever increasing their capability in preparedness to active shooter scenarios.  Emergency, lock-down and active-shooter plans are constantly being reviewed and aligned with Counter-Terrorism guidance and reference material provide by the Australian and New Zealand Government.

At Complete Crisis Solutions we have the experience and knowledge to develop, train and test your plans and people.

Our range of services include:
  • Review of existing emergency plans and  procedures
  • Security risk and vulnerability assessments
  • Development of emergency evacuation, lock-down and active shooter plans
  • Training of management teams and executives (group or one-on-one)
  • Desktop, hypothetical or full scale exercises
  • Boardroom Series exercises
  • Incident Management Team training
  • Emergency or Control Room training.


At Complete Crisis Solutions we offer a complete solution to your crisis and emergency management program.  We specialise in open-cut and underground emergency and mock exercises.  Our team of professionals have worked for some of the biggest names in mining in Australia and throughout Asia, Indonesia, South America and Africa.

Our mock exercises can include role players, media and key stakeholders to simulate realism in a controlled environment. Reports capture key learning’s and are represented in tables and graphs to highlight strengths and possible weaknesses.

We also have modern software that enhances our training and simulations bringing desktop and hypothetical’s to life.

Our services include:
  • Emergency Response Team (ERT) training, testing and exercises
  • Incident Management Team (IMT) and Crisis Management Team (CMT) training, testing and exercises
  • Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) establishment, training and testing
  • Operational and strategic desktop and hypothetical exercises
  • Mock emergency exercises (level 2, 3 and 4) and multi-level crisis and incident management exercises.

Local Government

At Complete Crisis Solutions we have a team of experienced emergency professionals in all fields specialising in Local Government. Our experience includes natural disaster planning, hospitals, water and waste, dams, energy, critical infrastructure and assets.

Our services include:
  • Development of Local Disaster Management Plans
  • Reviews and audits of major emergencies
  • Natural disaster plans including bush fire, flood and cyclone
  • Large event security, risk and emergency plans
  • Review and audits
  • Emergency Operations Centre establishment, procedures and and training
  • Media training
  • Desktop and hypothetical exercises
  • Desktop and major exercises

Water and Waste

Preserving and protecting one of our precious resources is key to our survival.  Ensuring you have robust emergency plans and procedures is critical to all essential service providers.  AtComplete Crisis Solutions we have the expertise and knowledge to help you maintain, train and test you emergency plans.

We have worked with some of the largest water organisations across the length and breadth of Australia and in New Zealand. Our experienced team of professional have facilitated Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) training and testing activities as well as Counter-Terrorism exercises to Federal Government standards and requirements.

Our services include:
  • Development of emergency plans and procedures
  • Desktop and hypothetical exercises
  • Major emergency exercises and drills
  • EOC training and simulations
  • HAZMAT training
  • Evacuation drills and exercises.